One of the biggest things iv been experiencing is a deep need to sleep. My husband got me a pregnancy pillow and I can sleep through the night like nothing.
I keep asking myself “why does it feel better to sleep with a pregnancy pillow?”. The more I looked around it became obvious the benefits I’m getting from sleeping with one.
A pregnancy pillow is to help three main areas of your body. Under your belly, behind your back, and under your legs. Many uses for such an odd-shaped pillow. This pillow will help ease you into the new positions your body lays into for sleep. The pillow helps keep your neck, back, and hips aligned during sleep, along with preventing you from laying on your back. It helps reduce pressure in your hips and improves circulation. Most of all it can help with heartburn, congestion, and leg cramps.
They are all over the place to be completely honest. I was beyond lucky and found mine at a baby thrift store unopened in the box and all.
Amazon has so many to offer, along with Walmart and Target! I live on the West coast so we don’t have much when it comes to baby stores but some other places to look but not guaranteed they will be there is Kohls, Marshalls, TJ Maxx, and Ross.
(These are affiliate links if you make a purchase from the list I may receive a small compensation)
Amazon Pregnancy Pillows:
PharMeDoc Pregnancy Pillow in a U shape
Frida mom Pillow converts to C I L and U shapes
Bamibi Pillow multi-purpose pillow for sleeping and nursing
Belly Bandit SOS pillow that allows you to sleep on your side without falling on your back
This is my baby registry that I’m always adding to! If you purchase something from here it will get sent to me! Thank you for all of your support during this time! Advice is always appreciated and accepted! God bless you and your littles!
Creator of all things pretty and yummy across the website!
Hey there! I’m a stay-at-home wife that loves to cook, coupon, and be around animals! Check out my Youtube channel and Pinterest to see my animals and all things I love doing!